0800 276 1197

Value your protection

If you purchase, transport, store or sell high value products like beers, wine and spirits; off licence insurance can protect you if something happens resulting in high costs to put right. As an off licence manager or store owner, you’ll be used to stock turning over quickly; but this can leave you exposed to greater risk. It’s potentially more trips to the Cash & Carry, more bank runs (with the potential for theft or lost cash), more people through the door, more staffing and more stocking shelves. With small business insurance packages, arranged through us, we can help look after your stock, your staff and the public.

Value your protection

If you purchase, transport, store or sell high value products like beers, wine and spirits; off licence insurance can protect you if something happens resulting in high costs to put right.

As an off licence manager or store owner, you’ll be used to stock turning over quickly; but this can leave you exposed to greater risk. It’s potentially more trips to the Cash & Carry, more bank runs (with the potential for theft or lost cash), more people through the door, more staffing and more stocking shelves. With small business insurance packages, arranged through us, we can help look after your stock, your staff and the public.

off-licence insurance illustration of alcohol wine and spirits

Key covers

If you employ anyone, including part time and Saturday staff you will need to have employers’ liability insurance by law. This comes as standard with other key products, but there are also plenty of other covers you may wish to consider. We can arrange protection in just a few minutes, and wrap it up on one simple policy.

Key covers

If you employ anyone, including part time and Saturday staff you will need to have employers’ liability insurance by law.

This comes as standard with other key products, but there are also plenty of other covers you may wish to consider. We can arrange protection in just a few minutes, and wrap it up on one simple policy.

Off licence insurance

off-licence insurance illustration of alcohol wine and spirits

Compare covers made with you in mind. Our shop-friendly quotes offer comprehensive protection, from signage and broken glass to cash, stock and personal injury. Simply size up your suitable quotes and make your choice. By price or by cover range, it’s up to you.

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Off licence insurance

Compare covers made with you in mind.

Our shop-friendly quotes offer comprehensive protection, from signage and broken glass to cash, stock and personal injury. Simply size up your suitable quotes and make your choice. By price or by cover range, it’s up to you.

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What is tobacco wines & spirits insurance?

It's designed to cover you in the event of loss, damage or theft. This cover is taken separately to general stock insurance as these items tend to be high value.

What is stock insurance?

It's designed to compensate you in the event of loss, damage or theft. You can also add goods in transit cover to your policy, which is designed to cover your stock whilst being transported.

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