Protect your hotel with cover for third party claims for trips, slips and personal property damage. Arranging public & products liability insurance is easy. Compare quotes and choose a level of cover that suits the size and type of hotel or guesthouse you run.
This type of cover is a key element of most small business insurance packages. So that’s why we include it as standard. We can arrange public & products liability insurance for your business with cover limits of up to £5million.
If a member of the public has a fall because of a wet floor or trip hazard, they could sue for their injuries. Public & products liability insurance allows you to run your hotel with confidence, knowing that you have cover in place for third party damage.
If you employ staff, even part-time, you will need to carry employers’ liability insurance by law. It’s a vital type of small business insurance, and covers you against the cost of compensation claims if one of your staff members has an accident at work. Arranging employers’ liability insurance for your hotel is straightforward and can offer you protection if there’s an accident that leads to a claim for costs against you.