Do you ever wonder how you would cope without your alcohol licence? It’s a fairly sobering thought. But fortunately there are things you can do to safeguard your business in the event this happens. You can add loss of licence insurance to an insurance policy arranged through us. It’s simple to sort out and can help protect you if disaster strikes.
Losing your legal right to sell alcohol, while unusual, could have a significant impact on your business and could mean shutting down your hotel entirely. There are a number of reasons why hotel managers might lose their licence, often through little fault of their own. Local crime, public safety and public nuisance can all play a part.
At Small Business Direct we can help limit the damage of a lost licence notice, by protecting you financially. The most important cover we arrange protects you for any fall in gross income or reduction in value of your business or premises, as a result of losing your licence in circumstances beyond your control. We can also help cover any accounting and auditing expense. Plus, most insurers will pay out on other reasonable costs and outgoings if you keep them updated. It’s worth noting, though, that you wouldn’t be covered if you had failed to carry out your normal duties as a licence holder, or allowed the building to become unfit or unsanitary.